Daily headlines

September 2023 headlines

Keep up to date with September 2023’s news with our digest of daily updated headlines about the business, regulation and campaigns around UK fracking, shale, and onshore oil and gas.

Photo: Frack Free Misson, 4 August 2018

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Friday 29 September 2023

The UK’s rollback of climate policies will cost its citizens and the world. Nature reports that what it describes as “incoherent new climate policy messages” from the prime minister will “dissolve the UK’s climate leadership, stifle innovation’s momentum and cost consumers.

How a thinktank got the cost of net zero for the UK wildly wrong. Simon Evans, writing in the Guardian, reports on the “deeply flawed report” by Civitas, that was timed to follow the prime minister’s speech, in which he called for an honest approach to the cost of net zero.

Thursday 28 September 2023

Rathlin Energy needs more money for drilling commitments. DrillOrDrop report on the company’s annual accounts.

Sunak expected to limit powers of councils in England to curb car use. The Guardian reports the prime minister is to prioritise the interests of millions of car owners with a series of measures that will provoke environmentalists and curb the power of local councils.

Net Zero committee writes to energy secretary about prime minister’s delays to climate targets. The committee says its concerned that Rishi Sunak has undermined gains made by previous governments. Angus Brendan MacNeil, the committee’s chair, said:

“The cross-party consensus on driving the actions needed to combat climate change has been in place for many years, so the Prime Minister’s about turn on policies that people and industries have long been gearing up for has understandably provoked widespread concern. Alarm bells are ringing over the Government’s ambitions when it comes to its environmental agenda. We need urgent clarity on the consequences of the new approach and reassurance that it will not derail the UK’s progress towards net zero.”

Big European insurers ‘underwrite 30% of US coal despite net zero pledges’. The Guardian reports on a study which found that Lloyds of London, Zurich and Swiss Re are among the top 10 insurers of the largest US coalmines

Climate protesters at Ashes Test ‘had champagne corks and fruit thrown at them’. PA reports on a court case of three climate campaigners who allegedly trespassed on the pitch at Lords on the first day of the second test at the 2023 Ashes series. A court heard how corks and fruit were thrown by cricket fans at the three, who deny trespass.

Swiss glaciers lose 10% of volume in worst two years on record. Reuters reports on the monitoring body, GLAMOS, which found that Switzerland’s glaciers suffered their second worst melt rate this year, after a record in 2022.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Biggest untapped UK offshore oil field, Rosebank, approved by regulators. The North Sea Transition Authority announces approval of the Rosebank field, 80 miles west of Shetland, estimated to contain 500 million barrels of oil. The UK government has welcomed the decision. Climate campaigners say the decision is heading for the courts. DrillOrDrop report

Permit change announced at West Newton-B. DrillOrDrop report

Monday 25 September 2023

Activists block deliveries to Cambridge oil and gas research centre. DrillOrDrop report

Thursday 21 September 2023

Scottish government admits climate law breach. DrillOrDrop report on acceptance by the Scottish government that it should have published a climate impact assessment of its 2021 infrastructure investment plan.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Reaction to Rishi Sunak climate policy shift. DrillOrDrop compilation of responses to Rishi Sunak’s delays to net zero targets. Analysis on the government’s climate U-turns from CarbonBrief and reports and comment from the Guardian, BBC News, Times, Independent , the Sun (Rishi Sunak article) and FT, among others.

Union Jack buys into German oil and gas. DrillOrDrop report on Union Jack’s announcement of a 3% stake in Beacon Energy plc.

UN chief warns of ‘gates to hell’ in climate summit, but carbon polluting nations stay silent. AP reports a warning from Antonio Guterres that the “gates of hell” are at hand as climate change intensifies.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

UN Chief’s test: shaming without naming the world’s climate delinquents. The New York Times reports comments at the UN general assembly by secretary general, António Guterres,. The paper says he was “unusually blunt in his broadsides against fossil fuel producers” and he accused them of “profiting from destruction”. He urged governments to stop funding coal and to put the brakes on new oil and gas projects.

Cleverly pledges to help developing nations’ sustainable development. PA reports that UK foreign secretary, James Cleverly, will announce measures to ease developing countries’ access to funds to invest in climate action to help achieve the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.

Britain’s Prince William talks climate change with UN chief. Reuters reports comments by a UN spokesperson that Britain’s Prince William met United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York on Monday and discussed “efforts required to accelerate the fight against climate change and protect the environment”.

Oil prices ‘heading above $100 a barrel’. The Times reports that oil prices could soon rise to $100 per barrel. They have risen from about $75 per barrel since the start of July. The latest rise is attributed to a surprise decision by Saudi Arabia and Russia to extend voluntary curbs on production

Monday 18 September 2023

Equipment arrives to decommission shale gas site. DrillOrDrop reports on deliveries to Star Energy’s Misson shale gas site in north Nottinghamshire.

“We need to get on with fracking” – Liz Truss. DrillOrDrop reports on a speech in which UK’s shortest-serving prime minister calls for a revival of shale gas fracking.

Extinction Rebellion pours fake oil over steps at Labour Party HQ in London. DrillOrDrop report

People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office. The Guardian reports on a US study which found that employees who worked from home all the time were predicted to reduce emissions by 54%, compared with workers in an office.

Friday 15 September 2023

Egdon says Petrichor takeover now effective. Egdon Resources reports that Petrichor Partners LP have bought the company’s entire issued ordinary share capital. Shares are suspended from trading on AIM early this morning. Egdon is due to be delisted from AIM on Monday.

Thursday 14 September 2023

Weekend of action calls for phase out of oil and gas. DrillOrDrop report on planned marches across the UK as part of a global day of action against oil and gas expansion.

Welsh opencast coal mine proposal turned down. Carmarthenshire councillors vote against further opencast coal mining at Glan Lash opencast mine in the county. Friends of the Earth press release

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Star Energy profits hit by taxes and falling prices. DrillOrDrop report on Star Energy interim accounts for six months to June 2023, which saw falling revenues and profits. Link to accounts

Union boss Gary Smith dismisses Labour’s green energy policy as ‘impossible’ and says the Left has been ‘hoodwinked’ into backing renewables. The Daily Mail reports comments by Gary Smith, leader of the GMB, who dismissed Labour’s green energy policy as “impossible” and argues the Left has been hoodwinked into backing renewables.

Fossil fuel companies have a secret weapon. Here’s how Britain can help take it away from them. Cleodi Rickard, trade campaign manager at Global Justice Now, tells the Guardian the UK must join the 11 countries that have already left the energy charter treaty, which allows companies to sue government over policy changes

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Revealed: timetable for plugging Cuadrilla’s fracked shale gas wells. DrillOrDrop reports that Cuadrilla’s fracked shale gas wells in Lancashire should be decommissioned in six months. But the company’s deadline depends on the availability of a rig.

Peak fossil fuel demand will happen this decade. The FT carries an article by the executive director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, who writes that global demand for oil, gas and coal will peak this decade.

BP boss Bernard Looney resigns after failing to reveal relationships with colleagues. The Guardian reports the chief executive of BP has resigned less than four years into his tenure after admitting that he failed to fully detail relationships with colleagues.

US behind more than a third of global oil and gas expansion plans, report finds. The Guardian reports the US accounts for more than a third of the expansion of global oil and gas production planned by 2050, followed by Canada, Russia, Iran, China, Brazil and the UAE.

Sunak urged to ‘do more than just turn up’ at Cop28 climate talks. PA reports on a warning from the all party parliamentary group on climate change that the prime minister should do more than just turn up at the COP28 summit – he must match his attendance with “concrete action”

World Bank spent billions of dollars backing fossil fuels in 2022, study finds. The Guardian reports on tracking by the campaign group, Urgewald, which concluded that the World Bank poured billions of dollars into fossil fuels around the world last year, despite repeated promises to refocus on shifting to a low-carbon economy.

Monday 11 September 2023

Europa Oil & Gas completes audit of gross Cloughton gas in place. Europa announces its audit has found gas in place volumes in PEDL343 (Cloughton) are within the range it was expecting.

Union Jack predicts “rich pickings” and looks “further afield” for opportunities. DrillOrDrop report on Union Jack interim accounts. The company announced falling profits and revenues for the six months to 30 June 2023 and hinted at looking overseas for oil and gas opportunities. Link to accounts

Heating the call: Government urged to expand CfD. Energy Live News reports Star Energy, formerly IGas, is leading the call to include heating decarbonisation projects in the next Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme.

Sunday 10 September 2023

Barclays seeks climate director after protests over fossil fuel finance. The Guardian reports Barclays has kicked off a search for a director to champion its climate efforts, after a bruising year in which the UK bank was targeted by campaigners over its environmental record.

Small island nations take high-emitting countries to court to protect the ocean. The Guardian reports countries threatened by rising sea levels are asking a tribunal to decide on responsibility for pollution of the marine environment.

UK’s net zero ambitions at risk after ‘disastrous’ offshore wind auction. The Observer reports that fears are growing that existing offshore wind projects could be shelved, after industry insiders warned that “disastrous” handling by the government had created a big shortfall in future renewable energy.

Saturday 9 September 2023

Sunak answers Modi call for climate support with record £1.6bn contribution. PA reports Rishi Sunak has announced a record UK contribution to an international climate change fund in answer to Indian president Narendra Modi’s call for more financing to support developing nations.

Group of 20 countries agree to increase clean energy but reach no deal on phasing out fossil fuels. AP reports that the Group of 20 leaders agreed Saturday to triple renewable energy and try to increase the funds for climate change-related disasters but maintained the status quo with regards to phasing out carbon spewing coal.

Friday 8 September 2023

UK Wind Auction Fails, Deepening Offshore Industry Troubles. Bloomberg and many other media outlets report that a UK government auction for offshore wind failed to attract any bids, the latest sign of trouble in an industry crucial to meeting net zero goals.

Analysis: UK renewables still cheaper than gas, despite auction setback for offshore wind. CarbonBrief reports a UK government auction has secured just 3.7 gigawatts (GW) of new renewable capacity – only a third of the total last year – and failed to contract any new offshore wind. Despite this wind and solar remain the cheapest way to generate electricity in the UK.

Revealed: Oil and Gas Industry Links of Telegraph Energy and Climate Commentator. DeSmog reports fossil fuel insider David Blackmon, who has spread conspiracy theories about climate ‘lockdowns’, has written several recent articles for the Telegraph.

Shell signals retreat from carbon offsetting. The Guardian reports Shell has become the latest large company to pull back from carbon offsets amid concerns many have no environmental impact, it has emerged, as the Carbon Trust discontinues its “carbon neutral” labelling scheme based on offsetting.

UN says more needed “on all fronts” to meet climate goals. Reuters and many others report on a warning by the UN that the world is not on target to curb global warming and more action is needed on all fronts. The Global Stocktake report will form the basis of COP28 talks in Dubai in December 2023.

Half of world’s population suffered under climate crisis-fuelled extreme heat this year, research says. The Independent reports on a new study from Climate Central which shows almost half of the world’s population was exposed to at least 30 days of extreme heat between June and August, driven by the climate crisis.

Thursday 7 September 2023

Misson shale gas site: restoration due to start in days. DrillOrDrop reports that restoration of Nottinghamshire’s only shale gas site is due to begin later this month.

Farm-in and equalisation of interests. Egdon Resources announces it has executed a fully termed agreement to enable a farm-in and equalisation of interests between PL81 and PEDL347 with York Energy and Cuadrilla Resources.

G20 must urgently lead way in decarbonising global economy – campaigners. The Independent reports leading industrialised nations are being urged to set more ambitious climate targets and remove barriers that stand in the way of the energy transition.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Expanded production plans at mothballed Dorset oil site do no need environmental study, say officials. DrillOrDrop report on a ruling by Dorset Council that plans to expand a suspended oil site and restart production are unlikely to have “significant environmental impacts”.

Developing countries propose $100 billion climate damage fund. Reuters reports developing countries have proposed that a new U.N. fund unlocks at least $100 billion by 2030 to address irreversible damage caused by climate change, as states prepare to discuss who will benefit and who will pay in at the U.N. COP28 climate summit.

UK heatwave: Hottest day expected with temperatures of 32C. The BBC reports the hottest day of the year is expected in the next two days, with parts of the UK already in heatwave conditions.

Energy discounts for customers who back local wind farms. The Times reports residents have been promised lower energy bills if they consent to wind farms near by, after a ban on turbines was relaxed in a deal with Tory rebels.

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Texas fracking billionaire brothers fuel rightwing media with millions of dollars. The Guardian reports two billionaire Texas brothers whose fortunes derive from oil and gas fracking have pumped millions of dollars into rightwing media outfits that have promoted climate-crisis denialism and sent more big checks to back an array of evangelical projects and conservative Texas politicians.

UK Onshore Wind Needs a Kickstart With Few Projects Lined Up. Bloomberg reports only six commercial onshore wind projects in England are likely to come through the UK planning system after the government lifted its eight-year long ban on the technology.

Climate politics is more complex and urgent than ever – is the IPCC still fit for purpose? The Guardian says with solutions  to the climate emergency desperately needed, political neutrality and consensus may no longer be an option.

Monday 4 September 2023

Map reveals new or extended onshore oil and gas projects. DrillOrDrop reports on 15 sites in England where new onshore oil and gas developments are planned, at a time when leading scientists warn that additional fossil fuel operations are incompatible with fighting climate change.

UK onshore oil and gas production in charts – June 2023. DrillOrDrop analysis reveals that Angus Energy’s gas site at Saltfleetby reached record levels for a second consecutive month since production resumed last year. This helped push the onshore contribution to total UK gas production to its highest level for a year.

Ministers to announce moves aiming to allow building of onshore wind turbines. The Guardian reports ministers will announce a series of changes designed to make it easier for developers to win planning permission to build onshore wind turbines in England.

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